Prayer Works!
Theology, Practice, Praise Reports
Janet Reynold's Praise Report,
Given after "Mass for Healing of Family Tree,"
November 14, 2019
"With great joy and praise in my heart, I share with all who were blessed to be with Fr. Bala and Fr. Liam for the Family Healing Celebration, that I awakened the following morning absolutely free of the anxiety that I have experienced for as long as I can remember...My healing, my blessing, my continued freedom from anxiety is a gift from our loving God. Praise Him!" - from Janet's note to Fr. Bala, dated December 3, 2019
Melissa Romea's Praise Report,
given at the April 11, 2019 "Alive in Christ"
A praise report for us all: My cousin’s husband Mike had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago. He was on life support and the family was told he had a brain injury from lack of oxygen. After almost a week on life support my cousin was told that she needed to seriously think about putting him as a DNR (“do not resuscitate”) and take him off life support because there was no chance of recovery. Prayers were being said by friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances. They took him off ventilator to see if he could breathe on his own. He was able to breathe but still would not wake, and again my cousin was told there was no chance of recovery due to brain injury. Our prayers continued and praise God Mike woke up and starting asking questions. They did an MRI and it did not show any signs of brain injury. Also, the clogged blood vessel that caused his heart attack in the first place had repaired on its own - his body made new vessels to bypass the damaged artery. God is so good!!!!
Indulgences: Theology and Practice
Catechism of the Catholic Church on Indulgences
(paragraphs 1471-9) Click button below
EWTN on How to Obtain Indulgences. Click button below.
Healing Prayer
Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith: Instructions for
Prayers for Healing. Click button below.
Fr. John Hampsch's Prayers and Instructions on Healing of
Family Tree. Click button below.
fr-hampsch_healingfamilyinstructions.pdf |
Healing of the Family Tree: Genogram with instructions in English & Español,
click below to download file:
genogram_with_english___español_instruction.pdf |
Testimonies & Praise Reports
From John Cojanis' "Alive in Christ" Healing Service
fredda_lopez_testimony_from_john_cojanis_healing.pdf |
lou_morales_praise_report_fm_john_cojanis_nov_15_alive_in_christ.pdf |
Manny Padilla's Testimony on Healing of His Father's Eye
manny_padilla_testimony_from_john_cojanis_alive_in_christ.pdf |